Modern Slavery Statement
Last Updated: 01/09/2023
This statement is made in accordance with section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (the “Act”). The firm’s financial year end is 31st March and this statement covers the period 2022/23. This statement was updated by the firm’s Partners in January 2023.
Our Values
As a law firm, we are rightly held to high standards in all that we do. To operate a sustainable and successful business we must inspire trust and confidence in all our stakeholders. We are committed to taking a robust approach to opposing slavery and human trafficking.
We expect high standards from those we work with and are committed to ensuring there is no modern slavery or human trafficking in our supply chains.
Business organisational structure and supply chains
Thurstan Hoskin Solicitors LLP is a law firm which operates within the UK, specifically in Cornwall, we have three offices and a headcount of approximately 20, all our offices are managed by one of our partners.
We provide a range of legal services to clients in the general area covering Conveyancing, Private Client and Commercial leases.
Our supply chains provide us with personnel, goods and services to support the services we provide to our clients. Our suppliers are generally local although some are part of global businesses.
Thurstan Hoskin Solicitors LLP opposes all forms of slavery and human trafficking, and we are committed to taking steps to ensure that there is no modern slavery or human trafficking in our supply chains or in any part of our business.
We promote ethical values and behaviour within our business and our Anti-Slavery Policy reflects these principles with a commitment to conduct all our business relationships with ethical principles.
Due diligence and risk assessment processes
We acknowledge that slavery and human trafficking exist. As a professional service firm strictly regulated by our regulatory body, our ongoing assessment is that we are at low risk of slavery or human trafficking occurring within our business. However, we do review this assessment annually.
In respect of our supply chains, we recognise there may be greater risk and our assessment and due diligence has primarily focused on our supplier relationships. We recognise that this is an ongoing process, and we need to continue to review and refine our risk assessment process in this area.
Our overall objective is to establish and maintain supplier relationships which will minimise the risk of slavery and human trafficking within our supply chains.
Training and awareness
Thurstan Hoskin Solicitors LLP is committed to ensuring that our people understand what modern slavery is, the circumstances in which it may occur and are aware of modern slavery indicators, so they are equipped to identify instances of possible slavery and human trafficking.
This statement is made by Thurstan Hoskin Solicitors LLP.