Redruth Office
Monday – Friday, 9.00 am – 5.15 pm
Tel: 01209 213 646 I Fax: 01209 210 069 I info@thurstanhoskin.co.uk
SRA: 648277
Located within the local heritage action zone, and just off the bottom of the high street, with free client parking we are perfectly located to serve the local community and beyond. Our Redruth office was established nearly five decades ago & we take pride in our Cornish roots.
Desedhys a-berth y'n kwartron gwrians ertach leel, tamm dhyworth goles an stret meur, ha gans parkyans kliensow heb kost, ni yw desedhys yn perfeyth rag servya an gemeneth leel ha pell. Agan sodhva yn Resrudh a veu fondys nans yw ogas ha pymp degvledhen ha gothus on a'gan gwreydh kernewek.
Registered office:
Thurstan Hoskin Solicitors (Redruth office) Chynoweth, Chapel St
Redruth, Cornwall
TR15 2BY
Our Redruth office has a car park situated to the rear, it is suitable for 7 vehicles and can be used by clients and visitors to the office. Please note the entrance is tight (2.1 meters) and only suited to small vehicles.
Entry is best from Chapel St travelling from Redruth Tesco, although it is harder to spot the entrance in this direction the turn is easier - immediately right over the footway after our office. Although easier to spot and signed from the Penryn/West End access, the left turn must be taken wide as the access can't be taken at an angle.

Terms of parking apply please see the signage in the car park.
From Falmouth /Pool direction
We’re just after the lights at the bottom of West end.
Turn left in to but remember to take the turn wide or you won't make it.
From Redruth Tesco direction
We’re just after Lemin Court.
Turn right in to the rear car park.