St Agnes Office
Open to visitors Wednesday 9.00am – 1.00pm & all other times by prior appointment
Tel: 01872 287 306 (Mon – Fri, 9.00am – 5.15pm)
Our St Agnes office is located conveniently on the Square, inside Atkins Ferrie Wealth Management. Every Wednesday morning a conveyancer from our Redruth office is on hand to assist you. At all other times, all members of staff are available to meet at this office by prior arrangement
Desedhys yn parys yw agan sodhva yn Breanek y'n Plen, a-berth yn Atkins Ferrie Wealth Management. Pub myttin dy'Mergher yma dyghtyer statyans dhyworth agan sodhva yn Resrudh ena rag agas gweres. Yn pub termyn aral, kavadow yw pub esel a'n mayni dhe vetya orthowgh y'n sodhva ma der apoyntyans gwrys kyns.
Thurstan Hoskin Solicitors (St Agnes office)
20 Churchtown Square
St Agnes
Our Redruth office has a car park situated to the rear, it is suitable for 7 vehicles and can be used by clients and visitors to the office. Please note the entrance is tight (2.1 meters) and only suited to small vehicles.
Entry is best from Chapel St travelling from Redruth Tesco, although it is harder to spot the entrance in this direction the turn is easier - immediately right over the footway after our office. Although easier to spot and signed from the Penryn/West End access, the left turn must be taken wide as the access can't be taken at an angle.

Terms of parking apply please see the signage in the car park.
From Falmouth /Pool direction
We’re just after the lights at the bottom of West end.
Turn left in to but remember to take the turn wide or you won't make it.
From Redruth Tesco direction
We’re just after Lemin Court.
Turn right in to the rear car park.